Monday, July 16, 2007


Last few months went away in some sort of inward journey into my spiritual self and my mind.That happened through meditation.I had been practicing meditation for quite a few years but I had always been very regular about irregularity ! Some how one good experience with meditation for half an hour never used to lead to the next one, some how I was able to miss them.But over the last few months my approach towards meditation has changed and I have started to take meditation lot more seriously.That has pushed myself to practice the same at least once a day. The effects have been dramatic.I am quite restless by nature , with my mind , "the mischievous monkey" jumping from one branch to another, wandering without any goal. I have at least been able to calm down and slow down my approach to life ... realising that being fast might just lead to a fast burnout. The slower I become , the more focused I become... So far the all-renewed experience has been wonderful. I wish to continue meditating regularly from now onwards. I shall share more of my experiences of my inward journey as and when I experince a defining change in myself. Keeping my fingers crossed !!


Friday, July 13, 2007

Liv & Dada turns 30 !

Liv Taylor turned 30 this July ..Liv has always been one of my favourite charming holywood divas. I just admire her smile and screen presence. She has turned 30. So am I :) A post with few of her charming photos !!!


New Life

She was inquisitive, she looked out of the window, trying her best to find him. He was elusive, he saw her and liked her. He liked her smile and nodded in affirmation, but she did not entertain. She went ahead, leaving him behind.They made herself to believe in the non existent customs and beliefs. She had a simple mind and simple logic, which they did not understand. They wanted her good, tried hard, but lost the battle to fate. He waited for years. He was destined for her life, luck brought him back to her. She fell in love, they surrendered to fate ! It had to happen my love ! They began a new journey !