Monday, July 16, 2007


Last few months went away in some sort of inward journey into my spiritual self and my mind.That happened through meditation.I had been practicing meditation for quite a few years but I had always been very regular about irregularity ! Some how one good experience with meditation for half an hour never used to lead to the next one, some how I was able to miss them.But over the last few months my approach towards meditation has changed and I have started to take meditation lot more seriously.That has pushed myself to practice the same at least once a day. The effects have been dramatic.I am quite restless by nature , with my mind , "the mischievous monkey" jumping from one branch to another, wandering without any goal. I have at least been able to calm down and slow down my approach to life ... realising that being fast might just lead to a fast burnout. The slower I become , the more focused I become... So far the all-renewed experience has been wonderful. I wish to continue meditating regularly from now onwards. I shall share more of my experiences of my inward journey as and when I experince a defining change in myself. Keeping my fingers crossed !!



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